People and Research Groups

The entries are sorted by countries. A secondary index organizes the material by topics (Delaunay, octree... ) and applications - following the links will guide you to places of interest.


Argentina France Malaya Slovenia
Australia Germany Mexico SouthAfrica
Austria Greece Netherlands Spain
Belgium Hungary New Zealand Sweden
Brazil India Norway Switzerland
Bulgaria Ireland Pakistan Taiwan
Canada Iran Poland Turkey
Chile Israel Portugal United Kingdom
China Italy Russia USA
Czech Republic Japan Romania Venezuela
Denmark Korea Siam
Finland Lebanon Singapore

Special topics:

  • Unstructured hex meshes: Hex>
  • Tetrahedral element meshes: Tet>
  • Quadrilateral element meshes: Qua>
  • Structured grids: Str>
  • Surface meshes: Sur>
  • Parallel mesh generation: Par>
  • Mesh refinement: Ref>
  • Delaunay triangulation: Del>
  • Advancing front: Adv>
  • Octree: Oct>
  • AI methods: AI>
  • Theoretical foundations: The>
  • Application areas:

  • CFD: CFD>
  • Computational medicine: Cme>
  • Metal forming: Met>
  • Microelectronics: Mic>
  • Groundwater flow: Grw>
  • Aerodynamics: Aer>
  • Mechanical engineering: Me>
  • CAD-CAM integration: Cad>
  • Electrical engineering: Ee>
  • Coastal engineering: Ce>
  • Geotechnical problems: Geo>
  • Computer graphics: Cg>
  • Multiresolution modeling: Mr>

  • Argentina:

  • Research at Computational Mechanics Lab, Centro Atomico Bariloche, is on algorithms for the generation and optimisation of tetrahedral element meshes and on computational geometry applications to fem pre/post-processing. Tet>

  • Australia:

  • Scott Sloan, Department of Civil Engineering & Surveying, University of Newcastle, works on Delaunay-based mesh generation for geotechnical applications. He has a code called CONTRI for computing constrained and unconstrained triangulations that has been very widely used. Del> Geo>

  • Jean Braun and MalcolmSambridge, Research School of Earth Sciences in Canberra, work on n-dimensional Delaunay triangulations for natural neighbor interpolation. Del> Geo>

  • Paul Bourke, Swinburne University of Technology, Astrophysics and Supercomputing, has done research on triangulation algorithms for for geometrical modeling. Del> Cme>

  • Pavel Sakov scientific programmer at CSIRO Marine Research, has developed the gridgen orthogonal grid generator. Str> CFD> Ce>

  • Research at Deakin University School of Information Technology includes distributed mesh generation. Par>

  • Austria:

  • Research at Institute for microelectronics, TU Wien, includes grid generation for process simulations. Mic> Del> Tet>

  • Joachim Schöberl and Gundolf Haase, department of numerical mathematics and optimization (University of Linz), work on advancing front mesh generators in 2D and 3D (triangles/tetrahedra). Tet> Adv>

  • Martin Held is a professor at the University of Salzburg, Computer Science Department. His research is in computational geometry: Fast industrial strenth triangulations, conforming mesh generation and Voronoi diagrams. The> Del> Tet>

  • Norbert Putz, AVL List GmbH in Graz, works on the FAME unstructured hex meshing program. Hex> CFD>

  • Belgium:

  • The research interests of Herman Deconinck (VKI) include hybrid and unstructured grid generation for CFD. CFD> Tet>

  • Mesh generation at Numeca Int.: Michel Delanaye works on the octree-based unstructured hexahedra mesh generator HexPress. Michel Pottiez has developed the structured grid generator IGG. Hex> Oct> Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Pál Jancsók is a free researcher at the Laboratory for Agricultural mechanisation and Processing, KU Leuven, supported by the Soros Foundation. His research interests include computer vision and digital image processing in agriculture, description of the shape and shape changes of agricultural and food products, automatic geometric model and finite element mesh generation and postharvest technology: Drying of corn kernels.

  • Wu Liang, Ph.D. student at KU Leuven Applied Mechanics Division, has research interests in unstructured mesh generation Olivier Magotte works on a 3D Delaunay mesh generator. Del> Tet>

  • Development at Leuven based Capvidia BV includes mesh generation for computational simulations and computer graphics. Del> Sur> Str> Cg>

  • Christophe Geuzaine's research is on computational electromagnetism and includes tetrahedral mesh generation (in collaboration with Jean-Francois Remacle, Canada). Tet> Ee>

  • Pierre Beckers is a professor at L.T.A.S. - Infographie, University of Liege. His research includes mesh generation and error estimation for the finite element method. At his institute, one of the first Delaunay mesh generators has been developed. Tet> Del> Me>

  • Amegos is an ESPRIT project for the development of a 3D mesh generation toolkit. Partners include Elsyca BV, the Von Karman Institute and AVL LIST GmbH. Tet> CFD>

  • The research interests of Sebastien Legrand include the generation of unstructured meshes on the world ocean (UCL Institute d'Astronomie et de Geophysique Georges Lemaitre).

  • Brazil:

  • The research interests of Fernando Luiz Bastos Ribeiro, associate professor in civil engineering, University of Rio de Janeiro, include finite elements and mesh generation. Cad>

  • Research at TecGraf, computer science department, PUC Rio de Janeiro is on three-dimensional mesh generation, in collaboration with the department for civil engineering (surface mesh generation). Tet> Sur>

  • Julio R. Meneghini, deparment of mechanical engineering, University of Sao Paolo, works on unstructured mesh generation with application in cfd.

  • Meshing research in the Theoretical, Applied and Computational Solid Mechanics Group (TACSOM) group, National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Rio de Janeiro, is on Delaunay-, frontal and octree-methods for 2D and 3D. Oct> Del> Adv> Tet> Sur>

  • Jos=E9 Jean Peixoto Negr=E3= o, is a PhD student at the Scientific Computing Group, Universidade de Taubat=E9. His research interests include grid generation.

  • Marcelo Siqueira does research on geometric modeling and volume meshing (UFMS, Rio de Janeiro). qua> Tet> Hex>
  • Bulgaria:

  • P. T. Hristova, department of informatics, University of Rousse, works on finite element mesh generation and preprocessing.

  • Canada:

  • Barry Joe of the University of Alberta has written the Geompack++ package (generation of tetrahedral element meshes) and is also investigating algorithms for the generation of hexadral or hexahedral-dominant meshes. Tet> Hex>

  • Stan Melax, former MSc student at University of Alberta Department of Computing Science, has found an algorithm for Simple Polygon Reduction. Cg>

  • Attila Zsaki is a Ph.D. student at the University of Toronto rock engineering group. His research is on 3d-mesh generation using tetrahedral elements or possibly mixed tetrahedral-hexahedral elements. The main use of the method will be to mesh the domain between underground excavations and the surrounding boundary for the purpose of finite element analysis. Tet> Geo>

  • Bruce Simpson and David Pooley, scientific computation research center, University of Waterloo, are interested in scientific computing and mesh generation. Adv> Ref>

  • At CERCA (Montreal), there is research on grid generation with application in cfd and aerodynamics: Multiblock-structured grid generation in 2D and 3D (grid generator maille), and the development of automatic subdivision algorithms of volumes for gridding. Hex> Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Jean-Christophe Cuilliere and Vincent Francois, Ecole d'ingénierie de Trois Rivières (Université du Québec à Trois Rivières), work on the integration of finite element analysis in the whole CAD/CAM process, with special attention paid to mesh generation. Tet> Cad>

  • Carl Ollivier-Gooch, UBC department of mechanical engineering, works on unstructured mesh generation and adaption of finite element meshes for compressible computational fluid dynamics on unstructured meshes. Tet> Ref> CFD>

  • Alla Sheffer, UBC computer science department, does research on surface meshing for CG applications and volume meshing. Sur> Del> Hex> Cg>

  • GIREF is an interdisciplinary research group at Universite Laval whose work includes adaptive mesh generation. Ref>

  • Clark Verbrugge, McGill University School of Computer Science, is interested in mesh generation and computational geometry. Godfried Toussaint does research on quadrangulations. The>

  • Adrian Dolling, Channel Consulting Ltd., Victoria, is the developer of the TriGrid modeling system for triangular grids.

  • Jean-François Remacle is a postdoctoral fellow at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. His Ph.D. was about error analysis and adaptive meshing for electromagnetic field calculations. Now he works on moving meshes for simulation of injection molding processes and on the public domain mesh generator GMSH (joint work with Cristophe Geuzaine, Belgium). Tet> Del> Ee>

  • Research at the Montreal Polytechnique Laboratoire de Maillage et Geometrie Numerique is on mesh generation for turbine flow simulation. Sur> Par> CFD>

  • John Coulthard, University of Brithish Columbia, is the developer of the QUIKGRID scattered data surface (grid) generator and viewer. Sur>

  • David Gilbert Jones, de-Havilland Inc., Toronto: His recent work has been concerned with developing a 3D structured multi-block grid generation program, using the Parallel Virtual Machine software, to run on a cluster of heterogeneous workstations. Str> Par> CFD> Aer>

  • Pat Piperni, Bombardier Inc. in Montreal, works on multiblock grid generation for complete aircraft configurations. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Steven Beale has developed a novel procedure to generate smooth structured body-fitted grids using a finite-volume method. The grid is adapted or re-zoned to the desired solution, so it is not necessary to be able to analytically invert the governing partial differential equations, as in conventional schemes. Steven is with the National Research Council of Canada. Str> CFD>

  • Chang Shu, NRC Computational Video Group, works on Delaunay triangulation and model reconstruction. Del> Sur>

  • Marina Gavrilova's research interests include computation of dynamic Voronoi diagrams for n-body problems (she is PhD student at the University of Calgary department of computer science). Del> The>

  • Hanif Ladak University of Ontario Faculty of Engineering Science, woks on automatic finite-element mesh generation from serial black blood magnetic resonance images of the carotid artery by warping a reference mesh. Cme>

  • Chile:

  • Maria Cecilia Rivara's, Nancy Hischfeld-Kahler's and Maurizio Palma Lizana's research interests include tetrahederal mesh generation and mesh refinement (DCC, University of Chile). Tet> Ref>

  • Luis Quiroz, Universidad de Concepcion Dpto. Ingenieria Mecanica, works on algorithms for the gluing of finite element meshes.

  • China:

  • Research at department of mathematics, Hongkong Baptist University, is on automatic grid generation techniques for arbitrary domains using quadrilateral or triangle meshes (Wei Min Xue). Applications include the tidal analysis of harbors and computer aided geometric design. Ce>

  • Development of high performance triangular and tetrahedral finite element models is a research topic at the department of mechanical engineering, University of Hongkong. Tet> Cme>

  • S.H. Lo, University of Hong Kong department of civil engineering: His research is on 3D mesh generation and refinement, large deformation problems and CAD/CAM. Tet> Ref>

  • Si Hang, Electrical Engineer and Software Developer, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, works on the Tetgen 3D quality tetrahedral mesh generator. Tet> Del> Ee>

  • Yao Zheng, Zheijiang University Center for Engineering and Scientific Computing: His research interests include unstructured mesh generation. Tet> Par> CFD>

  • Siu-Wing Cheng and Sheung-Hung Poon, UST Hongkong Computer Science Department, do research on triangulations with application in computer graphics. Tet> Del> Sur> The> Cg>

  • Research at Shandong University Die & Mould Engineering and Technology Research Center is on quadrilateral meshing for metal forming simulation. qua> Met>

  • Czech Republic:

  • Daniel Rypl, department of structural mechanics, Technical University of Prague, works on surface meshing algorithms, finite element methods, adaptive analysis and parallel computation. Sur> Adv> Par>

  • Vit Dolejsi, Charles University Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, has developed the ANGENER finite element mesh generator (2D triangulations using anisotropic mesh adaptation). CFD>

  • Ivana Kolingerova, Centre of Computer Graphics and Data Visualisation, University of West Bohemia in Plzen, works on meshing related algorithms for computational visualization. Del> Par> Tet> Cg>

  • Denmark:

  • Research at the Institut for Mechanical Engineering, Aalborg University, is on semi-unstructured volume mesh generation for structural optimisation of mechanical parts. Tet> Me> Cad>

  • Jens Hugger, Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, has specialized on error estimation and adaptive mesh generation. Ref>

  • Jess A. Michelsen, AFM, Technical University of Denmark, is interested in block-structured grid generation and cfd code development. Str> CFD>

  • Riso - Wind Energy Department: Development of the HupGrid hyperbolic grid generator. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Finland:

  • Harri Hakula does the mesh generation job in the ELMER project (finite element simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow). Tet> CFD> Del>

  • David Kornman, Stonesoft Oy, works on dynamic constrained Delaunay triangulation as a hobby. Del>

  • France:

  • At INRIA Paul-Louis George, Frederic Hecht and Pascal Frey are working on the GAMMA project: Generation of triangular and tetrahedral element meshes (Delaunay-Voronoi-Method). Pascal Frey and Frederic Hecht also Professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Tet> Del> Adv> Sur> Hex> Cad>

  • Philippe Dewagenaere and Bernard Péroche, department SIMADE, Ecole des Mines, work on adaptive Delaunay triangulations for digital terrain modeling. Del> Geo>

  • Thierry Coupez, Centre de mise en forme des materiaux, works on meshing and remeshing algorithms (tetrahedral element meshes) for computational plasticity. This includes parallel meshing (with Hugues Digonnet). Tet> Met> Par>

  • Joel Conraud, LORIA Nancy, équipe ISA, does the mesh generation job in the GOCAD (geology cad) project. Tet> Grw>

  • Research at the Equipe de Recherche en Interface Numeriques, ESSTIN at Nancy, includes the development of 2D and 3D automatic mesh generators. Tet>

  • Mesh generation research at Electricite de France: Generation/refinement of volumetric and surface meshes, contact Gerald Nicolas, procect HOMARD. Sur> Tet> Ref>

  • Laurent Remondini, integrated design center in Grenoble, works on triangular mesh generation and CAD/CAM-integration. In the same institute, there is another group working on mesh generation. Cad>

  • Research at Grenoble-based GMCAO includes automatic mesh generation from CT scan data. Tet> Cme>

  • Meshing research at CAOR: Valerie Mounoury works on hex meshing by semantical analysis, Olivier Stab works on tet meshing by boolean operations. Tet> Hex>

  • Jean-Louis Coulomb´s research is on the computation of 2D and 3D magnetic fields in power engineering and the development of tridimensional finite elements mesh generators (L.E.G., E.N.S.I.E.G., Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble). Tet> Ee>

  • Research at ESSI (school of computer engineering), Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, includes surface reconstruction from unorganized points. Sur> Del> Cg>

  • George Drettakis, computer graphics specialist at the iMAGIS group in Grenoble: His research includes dynamic discontinuity meshing and mesh simplification. Cg> Mr>

  • Alain Perronnet, Laboratoire d'Analyse Numérique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, works on algebraic mesh generation (triangular and tetrahedral meshes). Tet> Str>

  • Allan Fousse, Ph.D. student at ULP Strasbourg computer science department (LSIIT), works on hexahedral mesh generation. Hex>

  • Frédéric H. Mabin, Louis Pasteur University Strasbourg ICPS, is interested in mesh generation and surface reconstruction. Sur> Par> Cme>

  • Research and development at BRGM is on automatic 3D Delaunay and on quadrilateral/hexahedral meshing for the Wintaff preprocessing tool (modeling of complicated geologic structures). Tet> Del> Qua> Hex> Geo>

  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, computational geometry specialist in the INRIA project PRISME, works on voronoi diagrams.

  • Development work at Bertin includes automated adaptive hexahedral meshing (in the framework of the CHAMAD European project). Hex>

  • The GALIA (geometric algorithms for industrial application) European project includes meshing generation for fluid flow simulation in petroleum reservoir (INRIA Sophia Antipolis and Institut Francais du Petrole). Str> Tet> Geo>

  • Jeremie Pescatore, Ph.D. student at Département TSI Signal-Images, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris: His thesis is on Adaptive Homotopic Tetrahedral meshes of Head Tissues. Tet> Cme>

  • Alain Rassineux, Universite Technique Compiegne Laboratoire Roberval, works on adaptive unstructured triangular mesh generation. Adv> CFD>

  • Yukiko Kenmochi, ESIEE Laboratoire A2SI, is interested in local polyhedrization of 3D lattice point sets. Sur>

  • Julien Villard's thesis thesis adaptive meshing for cloth animation (Universite de Troyes LASMIS lab, with Houman Borouchaki). Sur>

  • Research at Institut Français du Pétrole includes 3D hybrid mesh generation for reservoir flow simulation. Geo>

  • Research at CREATIS-LRMN (Lyon) is on surface reconstructing for medical imaging. Sur> Cme>

  • Germany:

  • Alfred Schmidt and Kunibert Siebert at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, are working on refinement algorithms for 2D and 3D meshes and on error estimation. The research group of Dieter Kröner is also interested in grid generation. Ref>

  • The IMTEK Mathematica Supplement (IMS) coolection, developed at the University of Freiburg Chair for Simulation, includes an interface to various mesh generators.

  • The Scientific Parallel Computing (SPC) group at TU Chemnitz works on anisotropic finite element discretizations. Tet> Tet> Ref>

  • At the Institut für Entwurfsaerodymanik of the DLR in Brunswick there is a group working on the interactive multiblock elliptic grid generation system MegaCads. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Matthias Müller-Hannemann (TU Darmstadt), together with Karsten Weihe (Universität Konstanz) work on the generation of surface meshes (quadrilaterals) and on graph-theoretic approaches for hexahedral mesh generation. Sur> Qua> Hex>

  • At Weierstrass Institute (WIAS) in Berlin, Hang Si and Klaus Gärtner are working on algorithms for 3D boundary conforming Delaunay mesh generation. Hang Si is maintaining the grid generator TetGen. Jürgen Fuhrmann is working on the integration of the Delaunay grid generators triangle and TetGen into PDE simulation software. Tet> Del>

  • The Zuse Institute Berlin Geometry Group works on geometry processing for triangulated surfaces. Sur>

  • Meshing research at the RWTH Aachen:

  • Irmgard Dittrich (Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik, insbesondere Informatik, RWTH Aachen) works on volume mesh generation for the simulation of free surface flow. You can also find my old homepage there. Ref> Met> Qua> Hex> Oct>

  • The institute for Computer Graphics and Multimedia does research on surface triangulations. Sur>c Cg> Mr>

  • Michael Hesse works on structured grid generation for the simulation of aeroelastic phenomena (Institute for Mechanics, RWTH Aachen). Str> CFD> Aer>

  • At the Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik there is a project on multiblock-structured grid generation for cfd (part of a collaborative research center on modulation of flow and fluid-structure interaction at airplane wings). Str> Ref> CFD> Aer>

  • Martin Franzke, IBF, RWTH Aachen, developes the PEP+ preprocessor (mesh generation for the simulation of metal forming processes). Met>

  • Research at Institute for Jet Propulsion and Turbomachinery includes the development of the elliptic mesh generator FRAME for turbomachinery geometries. Str> CFD>

  • Robert Schneiders, Jan Thomsen and Ralf Tilch work on mesh generation for the simulation of casting processes at MAGMA Giessereitechnologie GmbH in Aachen.

  • At the Mathematisches Institut A, Universität Stuttgart Dietrich Nowottny works on hex meshing and advancing front techniques; Alexander Fuchs is interested in the optimization of Delaunay triangulations. Qua> Cg> Hex> Del> Adv>

  • Thomas Rother, Institute for Fluid Mechanics, University of Hannover, work on mesh generation for the ROCKFLOW groundwater simulation package. Qua> Hex> Grw>

  • Detlev Stalling and Martin Seebass at the Konrad Zuse Institute, Berlin, work on the generation of tetrahedral element meshes for hyperthermia simulations. Tet> Del> Cme>

  • Dirk Feuchter, Technical Simulation Group, University of Heidelberg, does research on grid generation, grid coarsening and cad integration for multigrid-based algorithms. Cad>

  • Lutz Jänicke, TU Cottbus, works on the generation of tetrahedral element meshes for the simulation of electromagnetics. Tet> Ee>

  • Olaf Horstmann and Frank Molkenthin, Institut für Bauinformatik, TU Cottbus, work on grid generation for coastal engineering. Ce>

  • Research at the Fraunhofer Institut Graphische Datenverarbeitung includes work on a comprehensive finite element framework for biomedical simulations. Cme>

  • Research at Theorie der Tragwerke und Simulationstechnik, University of Bochum, includes mesh generation for the simulation of groundwater flow. Grw> Tet>

  • Norbert Köckler, faculty of mathematics, University of Paderborn, is interested in numerical grid generation. The>

  • Research at IVG, University of Duisburg (Roland Vilsmeier): Generation of triangular and tetrahedral element meshes for cfd. Tet> CFD>

  • Reinhard Klein and Tobias Hüttner, WSI-GRIS, University of Tübingen, do research in 2D and 3D Delaunay algorithms and surface mesh generation. Del> Sur> Cg> Cme>

  • Sebastian Rath's research includes automatic description of fluvial topography and relief for hydrodynamic flood wave simulations River and Coastal Engineering Department, TU Hamburg-Harburg. Ce>

  • Research at manufacturing laboratory, Uni BW Hamburg: 2D and 3D remeshing methods for the simulation of metal forming processes (quadrilaterals / hexahedra). Hex> Met>

  • Frank Sellerhoff, smile consult GmbH, works on Delaunay meshing with application in civil engineering. Del>

  • The Division for Scientific Computing and Numerical Simulation, University of Bonn, has a joint project with the DLR, Cologne: Development of a parallel grid generator with integration of a parallel flow solver emphasising load balancing aspects. Par> CFD> Aer>

  • The Computer Graphics Group at Bonn University has a project on triangle processing. Mr> Tet> Cg>

  • Thomas Schreiber, University of Kaiserslautern, CAD and computational geometry group: His research is in grid generation and surface reconstruction. Sur> Sur>

  • Hartwig Grabowski and Catherina Burghart, Institute for Real-Time Computer Systems & Robotics (IPR) at the University of Karlsruhe, work on mesh generation from volumetric medical images. Del> Cg> Par> Tet> Cme>

  • The parallel simulation and fluid dynamics group (Jochem Haeuser) at CLE, Salzgitter, provides products and services in the areas of numerical grid generation (GridPro), parallel computing in fluid dynamics (ParNSS), visualization of 3D data sets (Plot3D) and surface modeling and CAD (Tripla, IGESR). Str> Cad> CFD> Aer>

  • Guido Dhondt, DASA-MTU, works on mesh generation for the simulation of crack propagation: Insertion of arbitrary crack shapes into an hexahedral element mesh, combined with a local remeshing strategy. Ref> Me>

  • Kai Hormann, University of Erlangen Computer Graphics group, works on remeshing algorithms for surface reconstruction. U. Labsik's research is on subdivision surfaces. Sur> Qua> Cg>

  • Markus Pfletschinger and Peter Riedhofer, Richard Hirschmann GmbH, work on surface mesh generation for the simulation of electromagnetic phenomena. Sur> Cad> Ee>

  • Grit Thürmer´s PhD thesis work is on the definition of discrete surfaces and their topological properties (Bauhaus-University Weimar). The> Cg>

  • Carola Blömer, GKW Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH in Bochum, works on 2D triangular and quadrilateral mesh generation for the SPRING groundwater flow simulation package. Adv> Geo>

  • Erich Hartmann, University of Darmstadt department of mathematics, does research on triangulation of surfaces in 3D space. Sur> Cg>

  • Research at TU München Civil Engineering Department includes CAD-CFD-coupling. Qua>

  • Stefan Karbacher, Erlangen University Department of Optics, works on surface reconstruction for reverse engineering problems. Sur>

  • Research at Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen in Erlangen includes grid generation for semiconductor device simulation (MAGIC_FEAT). Str> Ee>

  • gridlib is ajoint research project for integrated simulation and visualization systems (University of Erlangen). Str> Mr>

  • Mesh generation is a topic of research in the INSIDE ESPRIT project.

  • Research at Rostock University Institut für Biomedizinische Technik includes mesh generation from CT scan data. Cme>

  • Katrin Bidmon, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, works on remeshing of fem surface models. Sur>

  • Grid generation for environmental simulations is a research topic at TU Munich chair for numerical mathematics.

  • Christian-Arved Bohn, GMD Insitute for Media Communications, works on adaptive neural finite element grid generation for the simulation of light propagation. AI> Cg>

  • Mesh processing is an area of research at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken computer graphics group, with special emphasis on computer graphics. Sur> Cg>

  • Martin Ammann, Stuttgart University Institute of Applied Mechanic, works on remeshing algorithms and h-adaptive strategies applied to localization phenomena.

  • Horst Werner, Universität Saarbrücken Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionstechnik/CAD, works on problem-adapted mesh generation with fem-features. Cad>

  • Mesh generation is part of the SimBio bio-numerical simulation project. Tet> Cme>

  • Work at Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (Hamburg) includes grid generation for computational hydrodynamics. CFD>

  • Guntram Berti, works as a freelance consultant in mathematical methods, based in Bonn, Germany. Tet> Cme>

  • Research at Siegen University Wissensbasierte Systeme & Wissensmanagement group includes hexahedral mesh generation. Hex> Cme>

  • Greece:

  • George Iliadis, Lambros Rorris and Stelios Seitanis, University of Thessaloniki, work on the GAMAG triangular mesh generator. Ce> Adv>

  • Takis Sakkalis, Agricultural University of Athens Mathematics Laboratory, has done research on the piecewise linear approximation of curves and surfaces via Delaunay triangulations. Sur> Del>

  • Thedoros D. Tsiboukis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Applied & Computational Electromagnetics Unit, has been working on adaptive meshing techniques. Ee>

  • Hungary:

  • Development at Bud CTS includes all quadrilateral surface mesh generation. Sur> Qua>

  • India:

  • At the aerospace engineering department of the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay the IITBZeus system with semi-automatic mesh generation capabilites has been developed. CFD> Aer>

  • Dinesh Shikhare, National Center for Software Technolgy, graphics division, works on grid generation on surfaces and on tetrahedronalization. Sur> Tet>

  • Sudhakar Marur, EASi Technologies, Bangalore, developes software for auto mesh generation for 2d and 3d surfaces. He'll be working on solid meshing also in future using a modified octree technique. Sur> Oct> Cad>

  • Piyush Kumar, Indian Institute of Tecnology, Kharagpur, works on surface reconstruction from unorganized point sets (the Revivor surface reconstructor). He also has a web link collection on that topic. Sur>

  • Iran:

  • K. Mazaheri, Sharif University Aerospace Department, works on grid generation for cfd problems. CFD> Aer>

  • Ireland:

  • Part of the finite element cad system developed by the UCD Magnetics and Machines Group is the preprocessor xprob. Ee> Ref>

  • Israel:

  • Michel Bercovier, CAD Lab, Hebrew University, works on the problems of geometry repair, simplification and editing techniques for CAD geometry and their usage for a priori mesh quality improvement (in cooperation with Fluent Inc., a project list is here). They also work on hex meshing using the proximity skeleton. Hex> Cad> Mr>

  • Dani Lischinski, Institute of Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, works on mesh generation and robust triangulation with application in computer graphics, visualization and scientific computing. Del> Sur> Cg>

  • Gill Barequet is a senior lecturer at the Technion CGGC. His research interests in general are in computational geometry and geometric computing. He has worked on two- and three-dimensional triangulation algorithms and on algorithms for repairing incomplete CAD (STL) data. Del> Sur> Cad>< Cg> The>

  • Italy:

  • Giovanni Delussu, CRS, does the mesh generation job in the CFD group (he works on the Mesh++ program). Adv> Tet> CFD> Aer> Cme>

  • Maurizio Paolini (Department of Mathematics, University of Brescia): His research is on unstructured mesh generation in 2D and 3D with the advancing front method. Tet> Adv> CFD>

  • The CIRA CFD group does research on structured grid generation for computational aerodynamics. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Stefano Donno, Mediastudio, works on the FEACAD-2D integration of FEM into AutoCAD. Cad>

  • Rosa-Maria Spitaleri is a senior researcher in scientific computing at the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone", Roma. Currently, her research is on hybrid grid generation for cfd applications: Elliptic grid generation at the boundary, combined with an advancing front method for the interior. Str> Adv>

  • Salvatore Alfonzetti, Università di Catania electrical sciences group, works on automatic mesh generation by means of artificial neural networks, and the application of finite element methods to electromagnetic field problems. AI> Tet> Ee>

  • Alberto Bencivenni does the mesh generation for DevDept's Mother Nature FEA based design optimizer. The mesher is based on a fixed 3D grid. Me>

  • Stefano Pippa , University of Bologna DIEM department: His doctoral thesis is on mesh generation for mechanical problems. Tet> Me>

  • Japan:

  • Takeo Taniguchi, Engineering Science Department at Okayama University, works on hexahedral mesh generation for geostructural analysis. Hex> Geo>

  • Resarch at 5th Lab, Mathematical Engineering Section, University of Tokio, includes mesh generation for finite element methods. Tet> Del>

  • Hideki Nagai, Fracture Mechanics Lab., University of Tokyo, works on automatic adaptive mesh generation. Adv>

  • Kenjiro T. Miura, Shizuoka University Realistic Modeling Lab, has done research on label-based subdivision methods for geometric design. Ref> Cg> Cad>

  • Research at Laboratory for 3-D Electric and Magnetic Field Analysis, Okayama University, includes mesh generation. Ee>

  • Yasumi Kawamura, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, works on quadrilateral mesh generation for the analysis of ship structural designs. Adv> Qua> Cad>

  • Meshing research at IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory's graphics group is on bubble mesh generation (in cooperation with Kenji Shimada). Qua> Sur>

  • Akio Miyoshi's research is on mesh generation for the finite element method (Yagawa Lab, University of Tokyo). Yoshitaka Wada works on hexahedral mesh generation for the finite element method. Cad> Hex>

  • At Kanagawa Institute of Technology, automatic mesh generation for solid structures is a topic of research. Tet> Me>

  • Mingyu Sun, PhD candidate at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, works on adaptive mesh refinement, quadrilateral mesh generation for arbitrary geometries and vectorization. Qua> Ref> Par> CFD>

  • Yasushi Ito, Tohoku University Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, works on surface triangulation for complex geometries. Sur> Adv> CFD> Aer>

  • The Knowledge and Data Engineering Group at Watanabe Lab, University of Nagoya, uses artificial intelligence methods for two-dimensional mesh generation, with application in forging simulation. AI> Met>

  • The R & D Group for Parallel Processing Tools, Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering, is engaged in development of parallel mesh generating software for structural analysis and CFD. Par>

  • Vlatko Cingoski is an assistant professor at the Electric Machinery Laboratory, Hiroshima University. His research interests are in the area of 'unconventional' methods for numerical analysis of electromagnetic field problems, inlucding tetrahedral meshing algorithms. Tet> Ee>

  • Yoshiaki Kodama, ministry of transport ship research institute hydrodynamics section, works on grid generation for simulating flow around a ship. Str> Tet> Sur> CFD>

  • Akira Tezuka, MITI Agency of Industrial Science and Technology computational engineering division, works on mesh generation and remeshing algorithms for the simulation of metal forming processes. Met>

  • Takamitsu Kawai, Gifu University Shimada Lab: His research interests include grid generation, computer geometry and computer graphics.

  • Mesh generation is a topic of research at the Center for the Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering. Del> Tet> Par>

  • Research at Gunma University Ishikawa Lab include adaptive mesh generation for computational electromagnetics. Tet> Ee>

  • Research at RIKEN product performance simulation team includes octree mesh generation. Oct> CFD>

  • Hiroaki Date, Hokkaido University, works on quality controlled surface mesh generation. Sur>

  • Korea:

  • Kunwoo Lee, CADAL, Seoul National University is interested in mesh generation for the simulation of metal forming processes. Tet> Met> Oct> Sur>

  • Kun-Hui Yi, POSTECH PAUST, Kyunhuk, is interested in finite element mesh generation for electronic device simulation. Mic>

  • Research at Computer Applied Fluid Laboratory, Yeungnam University, is on structured and unstructured grid generation for cfd. Str> Del> Adv> CFD>

  • Research on adaptive analysis at CAD/CAE Lab., Inha University, Incheon, includes automatic mesh generation.

  • Yoong-ho Jung, CAD/CAM Laboratory, Pusan University, is interested in CAGD and automated finite element mesh generation. Tet> Oct> Cad>

  • Soo Ik Oh, Mechanical Engineering Department, Seoul National University, works on the simulation of forming processes and the related remeshing problem. Met>

  • Research at KAIST department of mechanical engineering is on automatic mesh generation and remeshing (hexahedral element meshes) for the simulation of metal forming processes. Met> Hex>

  • Research at KAIST Computational Fluid Dynamics Kwon's Lab is on structured grid generation for overlapping grid aerodynamical simulations. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Research at MFCAE, Gyeongsang National University, is on mesh generation for the simulation forging processes. Sur> Qua> Met> Hex>

  • Joon-Seong Lee, Kyonggi College of Engineering mechanical engineering department, works on automatic mesh generation for 3D shell structures for design optimization. Sur> AI>

  • In Seok Kang, Postech CFD lab, has done research on orthogonal grid generation for 2D domains. Str> CFD>

  • Jae-Hoon Choi, Chung-Ang University Semiconductor Process and Device Laboratory, works on 2D and 3D adaptive mesh generation for electromagnetic field simulations. Ref> Ee>

  • C.H. Son's thesis is on automatic generation of triangular finite element meshes on three-dimensional surfaces. Sur>

  • Research at KAIST Computational Aerosciences Lab includes unstructured grid generation and flow simulation around complex gemoetries. Tet> CFD> Aer>

  • Research at Korea University at Computer Graphics Lab includes multiresolution modeling and mesh simplification. s Sur> Mr>

  • Lebanon:

  • The department of mechanical engineering, American University of Beirut, has a project on grid generation: Development of MESHER, a multi-block structured object-oriented grid generator. There is also a project on the application of artificial intelligence to the problem of mesh generation in finite element software at the department of electrical and computer engineering. Str> Del> AI>

  • Malaya:

  • Nik-Nazri Nik-Ghazali, University of Malaya, department of mechanical engineering, is specialised in adaptive grid generation, multigrid scheme, structured and unstructured grid generation, shock capturing, and some other boring stuffs related to CFD. CFD>

  • Mexico:

  • José Gerardo Tinoco Ruiz, Universidad Michoacana, Escuela de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas "Mat. Luis Manuel Rivera Gutiérrez", works on smooth and convex grid generation over general plane regions; Francisco Dominguez-Mota works on variational grid generation. Str>

  • Prof. Pablo Barrera-Sanchez, National University of Mexico, works on numerical quadrilateral grid generation over plane irregular regions. Qua>

  • The UNAMALLA project is a joint project on grid generation over irregular regions using discrete functionals. Participating insititutions are the Universidad Nacional Auntonoma de Mexico, Universidad de San Nicolas de Hidalgo and the Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila. Str>

  • Netherlands:

  • Paul Zegeling (Computational Science, Utrecht University) works on adaptive grid methods in general, moving grid methods in particular and grid generation. The>

  • Han-Wen Nienhuys, PhD student at the Utrecht University GIVE research group, works on on cutting in deformable models. The> Cme>

  • Brian H. Gilding's research interests include numerical grid generation and the numerical solution of partial differential equations (mathematics department, University of Twente). Ruud van Damme works on triangulation methods, adaptive grids and subdivision schemes. Lyuba Alboul works on 2.5D triangulations. Sur>

  • Stefan Spekreijse, National Aerospace Laboratory, works on structured grid generation for aerospace applications. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Jan Willem van der Burg, National Aerospace Laboratory, works on short turnaround time unstructured hybrid grid generation and deforming unstructured grids for geometrically complex aircraft configurations, e.g. aircraft with high-lift systems. Sur> Tet> CFD> Aer>

  • Paul van Vliet, Delft Hydraulics, works on structured grid generation for the simulation of hydrodynamics. Str> CFD> Ce>

  • B.J.R. van Rens, Eindhoven University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, has develop a paving mesh generator for surface mesh generation (simulation of sheet metal forming). Sur> Qua> Met>

  • Martin Spel (European Space Agency) works on multiblock structured grid generation. Str>

  • There is a project on Riemann solvers and grid generation at CWI (Amsterdam). Str>

  • New Zealand:

  • Nicolas Smith and Mark Trew, bioengineering research group, Universtiy of Auckland, works on oxygen transport in cardiac tissue, coronray mesh generation, and modeling of vessel hemodynamics. Cme>

  • Wolfgang Seibold, University of Otago Computer Science Department Graphics Lab, is working on the problem of near optimal triangulation of surfaces. Sur>

  • Norway:

  • Børre Bang, Høgskolen i Narvik: His thesis is on Integration of tools for CAD, Terrain Modelling and CFD. CFD>

  • Karstein Sørli, senior research scientist at the SINTEF applied mathematics group, does research in grid generation and object oriented numerical simulation software. CFD>

  • SINTEF coordinates the MINGLE european project: Multiresolution in Geometric Modelling. Cg> Mr>

  • Michael S. Floater, University of Oslo, does research on mesh based geometric modeling. Mr>

  • Harald H. Soleng, SAND group at the Norwegian Computing Center, works on simulation of petroleum reservoirs, more specifically: On grid generation and grid optimization for flow simulations. CFD> Geo>

  • Pakistan:

  • Software development at Jamil Enterprises in Lahore is, among other, on 2D/3D auto and mapped mesh generation. Str>

  • Poland:

  • Przemek Przybylski, computational mechanics division, University of Cracow, is engaged in the analysis and implementation of mesh generation algorithms.

  • Jan Kucwaj, Cracow University of Technology section of applied mathematics, works on graded mesh generation to adaptation by remeshing. Adv>

  • Konstanty M. Gawrylczyk, Sczeczin University Chair of Theoretical Electrotechnics and Computer Science, works on algorithms for the refinement and optimization of tetrahedral element meshes, for use in computational electrodynamics. Ref> Ee>

  • Barbara Glut, Krakow AGH University Parallel Computing Group, works on Delaunay triangulation algorithms. Del>

  • Research at University of Warszawa Center of Excellence for Computational Fluid Dynamics includes grid generation and adaptation. Tet> CFD>

  • Norbert Gornicki, Gdansk University, does his master's thesis on interactive mesh generation from bitmap data. Tet>

  • Portugal:

  • J.P. Almeida, Orlando J. B. Almeida Pereira and Marco Piteri, structural analysis research group, Technical University of Lisbon, work on hierarchical mesh generation for computational mechanics and adaptive finite element methods. Adv> Me>

  • Renato Natal Jorge, University of Porto faculty of engineering, works on mesh generation and adaptive mesh refinement on metal forming processes. Ref> Met>

  • Romania:

  • Tiberiu Chelcea, Numerical Methods Laboratory, Politehnica University of Bucharest, has worked on automated mesh generation for the simulation of electromagnetics. Now he is a Ph.D. student at the department of computer science, University of Columbia. Ee>

  • Russia:

  • Research on Numerical geometry, grid generation and high performance computing is done at the parallel computing laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.

  • The research group of S.K. Godunov (Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk) works on algorithms for the generation of structured grids. Str>

  • Gennadii A. Chumakov, Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is interested in conformal structured grid generation. Str>

  • Yurii Shokin, V.B. Barakhnin, G.S. Khakimzyanov and Nina Yu. Shokina (Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk) work on structured adaptive grid generation and the application to the problems of shallow water (the Laboratory of Computational Fluid Dynamics also works on grid generation). Str> Ce>

  • V.F. Tishkin (DICEA Institute of Mathematical Modelling of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) works on unstructured grids. G.P. Prokopov and his group do research on structured grids. In the institute there are many researchers in the field of grid generation. Str>

  • Yu.D. Shevelev (Institute for Computer Aided Design, RAS), is interested in numerical grid generation.

  • A.M. Sorokin (Central Institute of Hydrodynamics Moscow) works on algorithms for the generation of unstructured grids.

  • V.M. Uskov (Central Institute of Hydrodynamics Moscow) is interested in adaptive structured grids. Str>

  • Vladimir D. Liseikin, Sergey A. Cherny and Peter A. Shashkin, Institute of Computational Technologies CFD lab, Novossibirsk, work on structured adaptive grid generation methods (a list of papers for Vladimir D. Liseikin can be found here). Str>

  • I.D. Sofronow, All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Arzamas-16), works on grid generation for computational physics.

  • V.F. Kuropatenko, All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute of Technical Physics (Chelyabinsk-70), does research in grid generation.

  • Research at the Laboratory of computational methods in hydrodynamics, St. Petersburg, is on numerical modeling and grid generation. CFD>

  • Alexei A. Ignatiev, researcher at the St. Petersburg Insitute for High Performance Computing and Data Bases, has developed the block-structured grid builder CASCAD. Str> CFD>

  • Dmitri Podobedov, University of Moscow Power Engineering Institute, works on mesh generation for finite element simulations.

  • Dmitri Pitchouguine, senior lecturer at Moscow State University, works on the Spider meshing project. Sur> Tet>

  • Research at the laboratory of computational heat and hydrodynamics, is on CAD, CFD and grid generation: orthogonal and/or TFI multiblock grids, cartesian hiearchical local-refinement grids, CAD interfacing and tetra meshing. Tet> Str> Ref> Cad> CFD>

  • Olga V. Shishkina, Moscow State University Department for Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, works on the solution of elliptic PDE's via adaptive mesh refinement. Str> Ref>

  • Alexander V. Skovpen, Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All Russian Science-Research Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF), Moscow, works on unstructured quadrilateral element meshing. Qua>

  • Siam:

  • Sutthisak Phongthanapanich, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, works on Delaunay unstructured mesh generation in 2D and 3D. Tet> Del>

  • The aim of the Gridview project is adaptive grid generation for the computer aided design of cleanrooms (HPCNC, Kasetsart University, Bangkok). CFD>

  • Singapore:

  • Ho-Lun Cheng's research interests include meshing of the skin surfaces with creeping (National University school of computing). Del> Sur> Cg>

  • Su Yi and Chong Chiet Sing, Institute for High Performance Computing, work on multi-domain hexahedral mesh generation. Qua> Hex>

  • Slovenia:

  • Bojan Dolsak, Laboratory for technical software, University of Maribor, works on artificial intelligence methods in finite element mesh design. AI> Cad>

  • South Africa:

  • Research in thermal technologies, University of Pretoria, involves novel techniques of automatic grid generation for the development of empirical and numerical algorithms to predict the temperature distribution in electronic equipment. CFD> Ee>

  • Spain:

  • The ERCOFTAC spanish pilot center at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering in Barcelona coordinates the ERCOFTAC special interest group on grid generation and adaptivity. Meshing research includes generation of unstructured meshes of triangles and quadrilaterals for surfaces by the advancing front technique, generation of unstructured tetrahedral meshes for 3D solids by the advancing front and Delaunay techniques and generation of structured meshes of triangles and quadrilaterals (2D) and tetrahedra (3D) by isoparametric projection methods. Qua> Tet> Str> Adv> Del> Met> CFD>

  • The people at Laboratori de Calcul Numeric, University of Catalunya, Barcelona, work on quadrilateral unstructured mesh generation. Qua>

  • Angel Plaza de la Hora and Miguel Padron, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, work on local refinement and derifinement algorithms for simplicial grids. Jose Pablo Suarez Rivero does research on mesh generation, refinement-coarsening algorithms and data structures, computational geometry, computer graphics and visualization. There is research on adaptive tetrahedral meshing at IUSIANI. Ref>

  • Marc Vigo Anglada and Nuria Pla, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Computer Graphics Section, work directional adaptive surface triangulations for use in CAD. Sur> Cg>

  • Miguel A. Garcia, Rovira i Virgili University Department of Computer Science (Tarragona), and Angel D. Sappa, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, work on adaptive triangulation of range images. Cg>

  • Boris Vintimilla, Polytechnic University of Catalonia Institute of Organization and Control of Industrial Systems, is a PhD student working in the field of "Processing and Analysis of Image Representations Based on Adaptive Triangular Meshes". Cg>

  • Research at Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia: Work in the Hipsia project included the creation of a 3D mesh generator for fracture mechanics problems. Sur> Geo>

  • Jaime Fernandez-Castaneda directs the meshing development at Industria de Turbo Propulsores, Madrid: Surface and volume meshing (tetrahedra), hybrid grids and cartesian grids for turbomachinery simulation. Del> Sur> Tet> CFD>

  • Sweden:

  • Anders Petterson, Division of Hydromechanics, Chalmers University, developes the Chalmesh overlapping grid generator. Str> CFD>

  • Research on computational aerodynamics methods at the Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden, Stockholm, is on multiblock-structured 3D grid generation and 2D/3D unstructured grid generation. Str> Tet> CFD> Aer>

  • Research at Chalmers Finite Element Center includes the development of an unstructured mesh generator. Tet> CFD>

  • Mesh generation is a research topic at the School of Physics and Engineering Physics (contact Anders Logg). Tet>

  • Eva Pärt-Enander, lecturer at the Uppsala University department of scientific computing, is interested in the use of overlapping and hybrid grids for cfd. CFD>

  • Jimmy Hyun, Lulea University of Technology Division of Computer Aided Design, developes FEM programs for material processing analysis. Especially, he is interested in adaptive meshing, error estimation and mesh smoothing. Met>

  • Jaroslav Mackerle, Linkoping University division of solid mechanics, has compiled a list of publications on mesh generation.

  • Switzerland:

  • At the Integrated Systems Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, research is on mesh generation for semiconductor device simulation. Tet> Del> Mic>

  • Research at the Institute for Hydraulic Machines and Fluid Mechanics (Swiss Polytechnic Institute in Lausanne) includes 3D mesh generation for hydraulic machinery (HAMAC). CFD> Str>

  • Mesh generation is a part of the Electrostatic Precitipation Simulation project at the Swiss Center for Scientific Computing. Emphasis is on automatic topology generation for 2D and 3D blockstructured and unstructured tetrahedral meshes (contact Edgar Gerteisen. Str> Tet> Del> Ee>

  • Stefan Irmisch, ABB Corporate Research Ltd., Baden-Dättwill, works on tetrahedral grid generation for turbomachinery applications. Tet> Adv> CFD>

  • Meshing research at the Institute for Forming Technology, ETH Zürich, is on automatic remeshing algorithms for the simulation of metal forming processes. Met>

  • Meshing research at GEOLEP, EPFL Lausanne: Laurent Tacher and Marc Ferrer have developed an algorithm for automatic node generation in N dimensional space (Delaunay-based), for the simulation of hydrogeological behaviour of rock massifs. Tet> Del> Geo>

  • Research at the ETH Zürich computer graphics group includes wavelet based meshing and triangulation and tetrahedreal mesh generation for physical real time simulations. Sur> Tet> Cg>

  • Taiwan:

  • The research interests of Cherng-Yeu Shen at National Taiwan University include finite element mesh generation.

  • Shi-Min Lee, department of aerospace engineering, University of Tamkang, does research in grid generation and CFD. CFD> Aer>

  • Work at the Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University: Jinn-Liang Liu devolopes adaptive advancing front mesh generation software for complex geometries in 2D and 3D. Adv> Tet>

  • Turkey:

  • A. Erman Tekkaya, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, works on hexahedral element mesh generation for use in the simulation of metal forming processes. Hex> Met>

  • The grid generation team of the Aeronautical Design and Technology Group at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, is specialized on grid generation for the simulation of flow in gas turbines. CFD> Aer> Str>

  • The research interests of Erdal Oktay, EDA Ltd. Co. in Ankara, include unstructured grid generation. CFD> Aer>

  • United Kingdom:

  • Ke Chen, Computational Mathematics Group, University of Liverpool, works on adaptive mesh generation (quadrilateral element meshes). Qua>

  • The QUB finite element group at Queen's University of Belfast uses medial axis and medial surfaces concepts for quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation and automated blocking for cfd. Qua> Hex> Cad> CFD> Aer>

  • Jens-Dominik Muller, research officer at Queen's University Belfast, has interests in unstructured methods in CFD, multigrid and adaption, grid generation and manipulation. Del> Adv> CFD>

  • The group of Nigel Weatherill at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Wales at Swansea, is working on the generation of unstructured tetrahedral element meshes for CFD applications. CFD> Aer> Tet> Del>

  • Adrian Bowyer, Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath, has done basic research on Delaunay triangulation techniques. He found the Bowyer algorithm (construction of a Delaunay triangulation by point insertion). He also participates in research on forging simulation. Del> Met>

  • Malcolm Sabin's research interest include hex meshing, CAD/CAM integration and the development of suitable criteria for the comparision of mesh generators. Recently, he has worked on B-spline finite elements and it's meshing implications. Hex> Cad> The>

  • John Ashby, Department for Computation and Information, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, works on three dimensional adaptive mesh generation for the IDENTIFY and the EVEREST european projects. Tet> CFD> Par>

  • Mesh generation research at the Medical Physics and Bioengineering Department, University College of London: The mesh generator femmesh is part of the TOAST system for the solution of forward and inverse problems in optical tomography. Cme>

  • P.K. Sweby, University of Reading, department of mathematics, is interested in grid generation and adaptation for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws.

  • E.J. Probert is a staff member at the European Business Management School, University of Swansea. His research interests include unstructured mesh generation and applied mathematical modelling.

  • L.J. Johnston's current research is on block-structured and unstructured grid generation for computational aerodynamics (UMIST, University of Manchester Institute for Science and Technology). CFD> Aer> Str>

  • Seyed Saied Bahrainian, Ph.D. student at the UMIST research group in turbulence mechanics and computational fluid dynamics, works on three-dimensional unstructured grid-generation for complex aerodynamic configurations. Sur> Tet> CFD>

  • Meshing research at the department of aeronautics, Imperial College, London: Joaquim Peiro works on the automatic generation of unstructured meshes of triangles and tetrahedra for three dimensional flow simulations. Tet> CFD> Aer>

  • Andrey Mezentsev, Imperial College London Department of Earth Science and Engineering, works on CAD/Mesh interfaces for finite element simulations of geological and general CFD phenomena (see web page). Del> Tet> Hex> Geo>

  • Dan Kidger is a lecturer at the Civil Engineering Division, University of Manchester. His research interests are in the development of finite element software, in particular: Unstructured mesh generation, 3D visualisation, conjugent gradient solvers, and associated parallelism. Most of the applications are in the area of geomechanics. Geo>

  • The research interests of Mayur Patel and Mark Cross lie in the modelling of a number of processes: The application of Neural Networks for grid generation, Dynamic Grid Adaption and the development of an unstructured modelling tool for multi-phase flows (School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Greenwich). AI> CFD>

  • Jason Lander, Environment Centre, University of Leeds, works on unstructured mesh generation (the Mesh-Maker program for the generation of unstructured meshes over orography). Geo>

  • The interests of the Nottingham Trent University department of mechanical and manufacturing engineering in heat transfer and fluid flow include the application of Artificial Neural Networks to grid generation for CFD. AI>< CFD>

  • David Boyd and Lakshmi Sastry, CLRC information technology department, have used virtual reality techniques for interactive grid repair.

  • Hristo N. Djidjev, University of Warwick Department of Computer Science, is interested in mesh generation and load balancing in parallel computations.

  • Research at CLRC Computational Engineering Group includes parallel grid generation for generic aircraft configurations. Par> CFD> Aer>

  • Tim Hutton, University College London Eastman Dental Institute, has added an implementation of Hugues Hoppe's algorithm for surface reconstruction to the VTK visualization toolkit. Cg> Cme>

  • Research Imperial College London Applied Modelling and Computational Group includes grid generation and partitioning for atmospheric, ocean and multiphase flows. Tet> Del> CFD>

  • Grid generation is an important part of work done at Aircraft Research Association Ltd, Bedford. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Chris Farmer, Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, works on mesh generation for geological modeling. Geo>

  • Research work at the Cambridge Fluid Mechanics Group includes unstructured mesh generation for cfd applications. Sur> Tet> Del> CFD> Aer>

  • Alstom Research & Technology Centre: 2D and 3D mesh generation for the SLIM electromagnetic finite element modeling system. Tet> Ee>

  • USA:

  • The CUBIT mesh generation project uses an advancing front approach for hex meshing (plastering algorithm). There is a group at SANDIA (Albuquerque) and at BYU. SANDIA also has a joint project with Walter Gerstle, Department of Civel Engineering, University of New Mexico. Qua> Adv> Hex>

  • The aim of the SANDIA MESQUITE project is the development of a tool for mesh quality improvement.

  • Mississippi State University has a long tradition in grid generation research, initiated by Joe F. Thompson and Bharat Soni. Both have a number of students working on grid generation. Besides that, two major codes are being developed: GUM-B (Mike Remotique) is a structured grid generator, SolidMesh (Adam Gaither) is a tetrahedral element mesher (David Marcum is the technical lead of both projects). Str>/A> CFD> Aer> Tet> Sur> Par>

  • Sankarappan Gopalsamy, University of Alabama, does research on CAGD and grid generation (ITR/ACS). Cad>

  • Hae-Kwon Jeong, post-doctoral fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, main research area is the development of automatic and parametric geometry-grid generation technology applicable to complex computational field simulation problems. Str>

  • Research at UAB Engineering Technology Lab includes numerical mesh generation. Str> CFD>

  • Mesh generation at NASA:

  • The Geometry Laboratory (GEOLAB) at NASA Langley Research Center works on the generation of surface and volume grids around aerospace configurations (GridEx). Str> CFD> Aer> Sur>

  • The 3DMAGGS Three-Dimensional Multi-block Advanced Grid Generation System is developed at NASA Langley Research Center. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Shahyar Pirzadeh, NASA Langley Research Center, works on the VGRID tetrahedral element mesh generator and on the TetrUSS package of unstructured grid codes (August 6, 1996). Tet> CFD> Adv>

  • Sam Linton, NASA AMES biocomputation center, does the grid generation job in the ROSS and the virtual environment for reconstructive surgery project. Cme> Sur>

  • Michael A. Logan, Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility at NASA AMES, works on the standardization of data exchange between CFD and CAD systems. Cad>

  • Jin Chou, Design Cycle Technologies Group at NASA Ames Research Center, works on the generation of Voronoi diagrams for curved shapes. Del> Sur> Cad>

  • The Computational Fluid Dynamics Branch at NASA Lewis Research Center: Research on geometry data exchange, surface modeling, solution adaptive grid generation and dynamic grid adaption. Cad> Sur> Str> Aer> CFD>

  • NASA's steering committee for surface modeling and grid generation tries to encourage technology and software development by NASA and industry, works on the NASA-IGES Standard for CAD data exchange and sponsors workshops on grid generation and surface modeling. Cad>

  • The Cartesian origin at NASA Ames: Michael Aftosmis, John E. Melton and Marsha Berger do research on cartesian grid generation for the simulation of aerodynamics. Oct> Aer> CFD>

  • Meng-Sing Liou , Engine Systems Technology Branch, Turbomachinery and Propulsion Systems Division, NASA Glenn Research Center (formerly Lewis Research Center): Research on DRAGON grid technology has been conducted. The DRAGON grid technique utilizes a unique combination of structured and unstructured (hybrid) grids to handle complex geometries. Tet> Str> Aer> CFD>

  • The Unstructured Grid Consortium consists of a group of government, industry and corporate members committed to improving the interoperability and reuse of unstructured grid generation tools and technology. Aer>

  • Shang-Sheng Lius research at I-CARVE Lab, University of Wisconsin, is on the generation of hexahedral meshes from solid models. Hex>

  • Jaime Peraire (FDRL, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT): Generation of unstructured tetrahedral element meshes for CFD applications. Tet> Par> CFD> Aer>

  • Per-Olof Persson, MIT department of mathematics, works on level set and smoothing methods for unstructured mesh generation (DistMesh). Tet>

  • The SUMAA 3D project at Argonne National Laboratory is on parallel adaptive algorithms for the solution of partial differential equations. Lori Freitag-Diachin is doing research on mesh generation and refinement, she also tries to find out how mesh quality affects the quality of the solution. Carl-Ollivier Gooch, a former coworker, is now an assistant professor at the University of Britisch Columbia. Sur> Tet> Ref> Par>

  • Jonathan Shewchuk, assistant professor in computer science, University of California at Berkeley, conducts research in scientific computing, computational geometry, mesh generation, numerical methods, and compilers for parallel systems. His quality mesh generator Triangle is available on the net (2D-Delaunay). There exists a 3D version (pyramid). Francois Labelle works on anisotropic triangular mesh generation based on refinement. Tet> Del> Ref>

  • Lin Wu, Berkeley Computer Mechanics Laboratory, works on unstructured triangular mesh generation techniques for slider air bearing problems with complex shaped rails.

  • There is a lot of meshing research at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA:

  • Paul Heckbert, computer science department, works on mesh generation in the computer graphics field (radiosity, digital terrain modeling and object rendering). He has web pages with information on multiresolution modeling, surface simplification, and terrain links and on mesh generation. Sur> Del> Cg> Mr>

  • Dafna Talmor was a PhD student at the CMU school of computer science, working on 3D mesh generation with quality guarantees (tentative thesis title: Well spaced points and numerical methods; with Gary L. Miller). Now she works in the San Jose office of CADSI. Tiankai Tu works on the generation of large octree meshes. Del> Tet> Par> The> Oct>

  • Todd E. Phillips, PhD student at the computer science department, works on moving meshes and curved meshing in the Sangria project. Sur>

  • Kenji Shimada, Computer Integrated Engineering Laboratory, works on the integration of design and analysis, one particular focus is mesh generation. Tet> Sur> Hex> Cad> Met>

  • Noel G. Walkington, CMU Mathematics Science Department, works on numerical approximation of pde´s and automatic mesh generation, in cooperation with colleagues in the computer science department. Tet>

  • Sunil Saigal's interests include remeshing and rezoning procedures for severely deformed finite element meshes (CMU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering). Me> Met>

  • Zoltan J. Cendes, adjunct professor at Carnegie Mellon University, works on adaptive Delaunay meshing for the numerical solution of electromagnetic field equations. He is the CEO and chief research scientist of Ansoft Corporation. Del> Tet> Ee>

  • Ernst-Peter Mücke, now with ANSYS Inc., works on 3D robust Delaunay triangulations. Del>

  • Cray Research developes the HEXAR system for the generation of hexahedral element meshes. Hex> Par>

  • Research at Environmental Modeling Research Laboratory is on 3D mesh generation for the groundwater modeling system GMS (mixed element meshes) and on surface water modeling (SMS). Grw>

  • Peter Lindstrom, computer scientis at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Center for Applied Scientific Computing, has research interests in surface simplification, multi-resolution methods, and geometric modeling. Cg> Mr>

  • The MESH system for triangulated mesh approximations of minimal surfaces is being developed at the Center for Geometry Analysis Numerics and Graphics (GANG), University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Sur> Cg>

  • Hwagyu Kim (department of mechanical engineering, University of Texas at Arlington): Mesh generation, cad/cam and solid modeling. Tet> Cad>

  • Tao Chen at Stanford University is working on automatic 3D mesh generation for process and device simulation (TCAD). Tet> Oct> Mic>

  • Rainald Löhner (CFD Laboratory, George Mason University) works on 2D and 3D advancing-front-algorithms for the generation of tetrahedral element meshes. Tet> Adv> Par> CFD>

  • Andrew Johnson at Army HPC Research Center, is working on the parallel generation of tetrahedral element meshes. Tet> Del> Par> CFD> Aer>

  • The SCI research group at the University of Utah works on mesh generation and refinement for computational medicine (computational steering). Tet> Del> Ref> Cme>

  • David Eppstein, UC Irvine, computational geometry specialist, works on theoretical foundations of mesh generation. The>

  • Seong Y. Park and Kamyar Haghighi, department of agricultural and biological engineering at Purdue University, work on knowledge-based 3D mesh generation (tetrahedra). Tet> AI>

  • Isabel Beichl at NIST ACMD does research in parallel Delaunay triangulation algorithms. Par> Del>

  • Mark Shephard at SCOREC (RPI) developes the finite octree mesh generator. Coworke is Hugues de Cougny. Rao Garimella's Ph.D. thesis is on tetrahedral mesh generation with multiple elements through the thickness and on boundary layer mesh generation. Sur> Tet> Par> Oct> Del> Me>

  • Jan Cervenka (University of Colorado) works on the PreMerlin mesh generation package for the simulation of fracture mechanics. Tet> Geo>

  • Steven Benzley's (Department of Civil Engineering, Brigham Young University) research interests include finite element mesh generation (he is involved in the CUBIT project). Hex> Qua>

  • Tim Tautges, computational scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, works on hex meshing and geometry interfacing. Hex> Cad>

  • Brad Barber of Cambridge, MA, maintains the Qhull software for computing convex hulls, Delaunay triangulations, Voronoi vertices, and halfspace intersections in general dimension. Qhull handles numeric precision problems by merging facets. Tet> Del>

  • Tripp Thompson and Les Piegl, University of South Florida, work an triangulation algorithms for trimmed NURBS surfaces. Del> Sur> Cad>

  • Timothy Baker, MAE, Princeton University, works on tetrahedral element mesh generation for cfd applications. Tet> CFD> Aer>

  • Carl W. Gable, EES-5, Los Alamos National Laboratory, works on the LaGrit Los Alamos mesh generation toolkit for porous flow modeling. Tet> Del> Grw>

  • Mesh generation is an integral part of the advanced helicopter electromagnetics project at the Telecommunications Research Center, Arizona State University. Ee>

  • The ACE/gredit semi-automatic grid generator is developed at the Center for Coastal & Land-Margin Research, Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology, for use in coastal engineering. Ce> Del>

  • Meshing research at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign:

  • Alper Ungor is a senior graduate student at UIUC, department of Computer Science. His work focuses on several topics including quality guaranteed mesh generation (that is theoretical aspects of meshing), space-time meshing, and anisotropic meshes. Sur> Del> Tet> The>

  • Jeff Erickson, computational geometer, department of computer science, works on building spacetime meshes over arbitrary spatial domains. Tet> Del> The>

  • Ki Dong Lee, CFD Laboratory, UIUC, works on aerodynamic design optimization, multiblock grid generation, and computational algorithms. Str> CFD> Aer>

  • Prakash Chandra, research assistant UIUC Machine Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Institute, is interested in adaptive mesh generation and machining process modelling. Cme>

  • Richard Hindman´s areas of interest: Computational fluid dynamics; Euler & Navier Stokes solvers for real and perfect gases; grid generation and integration algorithm development. He also is very engaged in teaching (click here for a description of his course on mesh generation).

  • University of Washington: Hao Chen´s thesis work at is on quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation based on skeleton generation for implicit solids (Advisors: George Turkiyyah, Mark A. Ganter and Duane W. Storti). Hex>

  • Jing Ling does the mesh generation job at Well Logging Laboratory, University of Houston. Ee>

  • Renato Perucchio, University of Rochester, is interested in mesh generation, finite elements and computational geometry. Cad> Cme>

  • Sheng-Hua Teng's research interests include parallel mesh generation (department of computer science, Boston University. Par> Del>

  • The Numerical Analysis and Parallel Computing Cell at Los Alamos National Laboratory works on overlapping grid methods. CFD> Str>

  • Robert Rainsberger and John Rogers, XYZ Corpotation, develope the Truegrid multiblock structured grid generator. Str>

  • Bonita V. Saunders, NIST Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division, works on boundary-fitted grid generation. William F. Mitchell, works on adaptive refinement of finite element meshes, in particular newest node bisection of triangles, and multigrid. In the last years he has been working on parallel approaches. Str> Ref> Par>

  • Mesh generation is a topic of research in the NIST BFRL Lab's LADAR project.

  • Shishir Pandya, Dept. of Mech. and Aero Eng., UC Davis, works on the generation of prismatic grids for complex aircraft-like configurations. CFD> Aer>

  • Eric F. Charlton's thesis is on octree-based grid generation (CFD group, University of Michigan). Oct> CFD>

  • Meshing research at the CALTECH computational mechanics group: Raul A. Radovitzky works on 3D mesh generation and adaptation for large deformation problems. At the computer science department, Peter Krysl works on the extraction of boundary representation from triangulations, Delaunay parallel mesh generation and multi-resolution integrated modeling of thin-shell structures, Tran S. Gieng, on hierachies for triangular meshes. Tet> Met> Par> Del> Cg>

  • Research at the CALTECH Multi-Res Modeling Group is on multi-resolution modeling and CAGD. Sur> Cad> Mr>

  • William Connett, mathematics and computer science department, UM-St. Louis, and Wojciech Golik (St. Louis Community College department of mathematics) are interested in grid generation. The> Par> Str>

  • Meshing research at the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas at Austin:

  • Graham Carey (CFD Lab) has published a book on grid generation. CFD>

  • John Kallinderis (ACE Lab): His main research interests are in the areas of adaptive numerical methods for simulations of transport problems, parallel computation, computational grid generation, as well as large scale flow simulations. CFD> Tet> Aer> Oct> Adv>

  • John Eaton (TICAM): His research interests include grid generation about arbitrary shapes in 2 and 3 dimensions. Phu Vinh Luong's research interests include adaptive grid generation and numerical solution of partial differential equations.

  • Research at the Computational Visualization Center includes tetrahedral and hexahedral mesh generation for volumetric image data. Tet> Hex> Oct> Cme>

  • Ramandra Kr. Sahoo, process modeling laboratory, SUNY at Stony Brook, is interested in multizone grid generation for phase change problems. Mic>

  • Michael Chiu's research interest is in mesh generation for problems of computational plasticity (Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory, Berkeley). Met>

  • Rajiv A. Nambiar's research interests include mesh generation and CAD/CAM integration (engineering department, Panamerican University). Cad> Me>

  • Stanly Steinberg, mathematics department, University of New Mexico, is interested in the mathematical foundations of structured grid generation. The> Str>

  • Alan M. Shih, now with ESI Inc., works on the TIGER Turbomachinery Interactive Grid genERation system. Str> CFD>

  • Grid generation at Cornell University's Cornell Theory Center: Tet> Sur> Del> Oct> Par> The>

  • Paul Chew is interested in algorithms for guaranteed quality mesh generation.

  • Steve Vavasis developes the guaranteed-quality tet mesher QMG.

  • Nikos Chrisochoides, College of William and Mary department of computer science, works on parallel mesh generation. Par> Del>

  • Joaquim Cavalcante, Cornell fracture group, is interested in three dimensional mesh generation for the simulation of arbitrary crack propagation in engineered and natural structures. Tet> Me> Geo>

  • Krishnan Ramaswami, design division, ME department at Stanford University, works on midplane mesh generation for flow analysis. Cad>

  • Shoichiro Nakamura, Ohio State University, department of mechanical engineering, is interested in computational simulation of flow problems and grid generation. Str> CFD> Aer> Cme>

  • Pierre Grignon, Design Group, Clemson University, developes a 3D hexahedral mesh generator for CISIGRAPH's STRIM100 CAD package. Hex>

  • Kwun-Nan Lin's research in computer graphics and visualization includes mesh generation from contours (Shastra Lab, Purdue University). Sur> Cg> Cme>

  • Marshall Bern, Xerox Parc, has done much basic research on the theoretical foundations of mesh generation and it's connections to computational geometry. The>

  • Francis X. Giraldo's research is on adaptive mesh generation for computational physics (Naval Research Lab, Monterey). Del> Adv> CFD>

  • Hai Shao's thesis is on gridding and discretization for divergence form PDEs with application in semiconductor device simulation (he is with the department of computer science at Duke University). Ee>

  • The mesh mart is being developed to provide a source of 3D mesh object files for the growing number of 3D modeling artist and developers. Cg>

  • Douglas N. Arnold, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Group at Penn State, is active in numerical analysis with emphasis on partial differential equations, particularly those arising from mechanics. He works on tetrahedral mesh refinement using local bisection. Ref>

  • Suzanne Shontz, Penn State computer science department, works on mesh smoothing and optimization.

  • Guojun Liao, department of mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, works on adaptive grid generation by grid deformation. Str>

  • Joe Warren and Doug Moore, Computer Graphics Group at Rice University, work on mesh generation and geometric design. Cg>

  • SPC TeleEngineering Corpororation in Santa Clara, CA, develops a program for the generation of unstructured hexahedral element meshes (contact Yoshihiko Mochizuki). Hex>

  • Matt Rees (formerly at Colorado State) and Hao Chen (formerly at the University of Washington) do the mesh generation job at MARC Analysis Research Corp. Sur> Qua>

  • Laxmi P. Gewali, University of Nevada at Las Vegas, department of computer science, is interested in computational geometry and mesh generation (Java Mesh Generator). Qua> The>

  • Sisira Y. Jayasinghe is a member of the mesh generation group at SDRC. Nilanjan Mukherjee and Jean Cabello work in the areas 2D meshing on surfaces/tesellated data/orphaned meshes/ surface abstractions using a contour splitting subdivision method that produces both free and free-mapped meshes. Sur> Tet>

  • Ted Blacker is in charge of the mesh generation at Fluent´s Chicago office (GAMBIT project). There is another group at the Fluent Headquarter in New Hampshire. One focus of Fluent´s development is unstructured hex meshing. Hex> Oct> Tet> Str> Sur> CFD> Aer>

  • George Nicholas Foutrakis, University of Pittsburgh Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience, works on the Construction of 3-D Intracranial Arterial Meshes from Magnetic Resonance Angiography. Cme>

  • ICEM CFD is specialized in preprocessing of cfd simulations, both in structured and unstructured meshes. Development is done in Berkeley, CA and Hannover (Germany). Hex> Tet> Str> Sur> CFD> Aer>

  • Research at Stanford University Department of Petroleum Engineering includes grid generation (flow based modules for grid generation). Geo>

  • Changzheng Huang´s research interests include structured and unstructured grid generation (Droplet Dynamics and Manufacturing Laboratory, University of California, Irvine).

  • David Ives, Pratt and Whitney, works on grid based hex meshing with application in cfd. Hex> CFD>

  • Bruce Johnston is in charge of the mesh generation activities at MSC´s Lowell site. There is another group in Costa Mesa. Tet> Sur> Me> Cad>

  • Emilia Entcheva, department of biomedical engineering computational modeling group, John Hopkins University: Here research is in mesh generation from MRI-based data for cardiac electrophysiology. Tet> Me>

  • Sergei Chumakov, mathematics department, University of Wisconsin at Madison, works on the SiGMA 2-dimensional quasi-isometric grid generator. Str>

  • Mesh generation is a part of the virtual aneurysm project at the Radiological Sciences Group, UCLA School of Medicine. Cme>

  • Gill Barequet is a post-doctoral fellow at JHU department of computer science. His research interests in general are in computational geometry and geometric computing. He has worked on two- and three-dimensional triangulation algorithms and on algorithms for repairing incomplete CAD (STL) data. The> Cad>

  • Eric Hjelmfelt is in charge of the meshing activities at Altair Computing (Hypermesh). Sur> Tet> Str> Me>

  • Scott C. Hagen, University of Central Florida Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, works on error analysis of finite element methods and grid generation.

  • Jason DeGraw, Penn State University department of mathematics, does research in fluid mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, applied mathematics and mesh generation. CFD>

  • Larry Neher, Ken Blake and Bazel Dayyani are in charge of the mesh generation activities at Parametric Technology Corp., San Jose site. Me> Tet>

  • John R. Chawner supervises research and development at Pointwise, Inc., a company that specializes in the development, distribution, and support of quad/hex and tri/tet gridding technology implemented in the Gridgen software. Str> Tet>

  • James R. Kuffner works on surface mesh generation for recovering 3D geometry using a robot arm and a laser scanner. Sur>

  • Mehdy Pourazady, University of Toledo engineering department, has a project on three-dimensional mesh generation from a set of digitized data.

  • Jin-Fa Lee, EMCAD Lab., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, works on Delaunay tetrahedral mesh generation and mesh refinement for the simulation and modeling of electromagnetic devices. Tet> Del> Ref> Ee>

  • Philip L. Bowers, department of mathematics, Florida State University, is a specialist in topology. He has a paper on fast algorithms for generating Delaunay interpolation elements for domain decomposition. Del> The>

  • Jian Zhong Zhu, UES Software Inc., developes the MeshCAST tetrahedral mesh generator, part of the ProCAST casting simulation system. Tet>

  • Randolph E. Bank is a professor at the UCSD department of mathematics. His recent research has been in the areas of multilevel iterative methods and adaptive mesh generation algorithms, including a posteriori error estimation, in the context of finite element computations on unstructured meshes. Ref> The>

  • Steven E. Pav, UCSD Scientific Computing Group, is interested in generating quality Delaunay meshes. Ref> The> Tet> Del>

  • Hao Shai is a Ph.D. student at Duke University, department of computer science. His research is on gridding and discretization for divergence form PDEs, he has written a survey paper on simplicial mesh generation and maintenance.

  • Mesh generation is a part of the CoMeT computational mechanics pre- and postprocessing environment which is developed at the Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center.

  • Ulisses Mello, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Physical Sciences Department, developes concepts and numerical basin modeling tools to reduce petroleum exploration risks. He is interested in topological concepts for integrated modeling. Geo>

  • Horst D. Simon, director NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, has a project on parallel 2D Delaunay mesh generation. Par> Del>

  • Mesh generation is a topic of research in the Defense Sciences Office's OPAAL initiative for complex physical simulation.

  • Meshing research at Aerosoft Inc.: William McGrory is the principal author of the GUST unstructured flow solver and grid generator, Jinsong Yu s a Research Scientist in the areas of unstructured grid generation and geometry modeling. Del> Tet> CFD> Aer>

  • Multiresolution adaptive parameterization of surfaces is a project at the Princeton University computer science department. Sur> Cg> Mr>

  • Jeff Griffith works on parallel unstructured mesh generation for the finite element method at the University of Tennessee computer science department. Par> Del>

  • Hugues Hoppe, now at Computer Graphics Group at Microsoft research, works on surface reconstruction, mesh simplification and multiresolution representations. Cg> Mr>

  • The GRID Search Engine at NPAC, University of Syracuse, is a database of web pages related to grid generation.

  • Herbert Edelsbrunner, professor at Duke University department of computer science, does research in computational geometry andtopology, algorithms and data structures, and geometric modeling. His company, Raindrop geomagic Inc., developes software for volume and surface mesh improvement of 3D shapes. Two of his PhD students work on mesh generation: Damrong Guoy works on 3-dimensional quality meshing. Vijay Natarajan is interested in the simplification of 3d density maps Sur> Tet> The>

  • Joan E Sander's research includes, among other, hexahedral mesh generation for residual limb-prosthetic socket finite element modeling (University of Washington department of bioengineering). Hex> Cme>

  • Suneeta Ramaswami's current research work is on geometric techniques for problems in the modeling and visualization of data: mesh-generation, computational tomography and Geographic Information Systems (geometric approaches and external-memory problems), and removing extrinsic degeneracies for data visualization (Rutgers University, department of computer science). The>

  • Harley Wattrick and Phil Tuchinsky work on mesh generation at Ford Motor Company. Hex>

  • David A. Field and William H. Frey are the meshing specialists at General Motors research and development center.

  • Reza Taghavi, technical director at Simulation Works, Inc., develops the KUBRIX unstructured hexahedral mesher that uses fuzzy logic to automate the block decomposition process. Hex> Str> AI>

  • Dafna Talmor, Sia Meshkat and Greg Spragle are the meshing group at LMS CADSI. Tet> Cme>

  • John M. Sullivan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute mechanical engineering department, and James Qingyang Zhang, Baystate Technologies Inc., work on tetrahedral mesh generation with application in computational medicine. Tet>

  • Jörg Peters, University of Florida department of computer science, has done research on metric-based surface meshing. Sur>

  • Jose Castillo, San Diego State University department of mathematical and computing sciences, works on the mathematical foundations of structured grid generation. Str> The>

  • The research activities of the modeling and simulation group, a joint venture of various divisions at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, includes automatic remeshing for modeling complex forming processes. Met>

  • H.T. Lin and Pedro V. Marcal develop PVM Corporations VisiSage semiautomatic hexahedral mesh generator. Hex>

  • Fuhua Cheng, University of Kentucky Graphics & Geometric Modeling Lab, has developed a label-based subdivision method for surface meshes. Ref> Cg>

  • Nitin V. Hattangady is a researcher at ALCOA Applied Math and Computer Technology Center. He works on coarsening of mesh models for representation of rigid objects in finite element analysis. Met>

  • Yoram Pressburger is in charge of the meshing development at Rhode Island based HKS inc.. Met>

  • Scott C. Canann works on mesh generation and geometric modeling at Object Reservoir Inc., an Austin-based company doing simulation of flow in geological structures. Geo>

  • Anwei Liu and Mazen Baida, research engineers at Silvaco Inc., work on tetrahedral mesh generation for electronic device simulation. Tet> Mic>

  • John E. Stewart, Virginia Commonwealth University Anatomic Geometry Lab, does research on anatomical geometry, which includes finite element modeling. Sur> Cme>

  • Keith Richards and Kelly Senegal are the meshing specialists at Convergent Thinking, Inc.. Str>

  • Hugues de Cougny works on mesh generation at ADINA Inc.. Qua> Sur> Tet>

  • NetCFD is a consortium project allowing members to get meshes for reactor modelling over the internet. CFD>

  • Nash'at Ahmad, Science Applications Intl. Corp., McLean, Virginia, has written Tekon, a 2D visualization software for unstructured triangular meshes in Java.

  • Matt Staten and Feng Wang belong to the Unigraphics Solutions meshing group. Sur> Tet> Cad>

  • Research at South Carolina Industrial Mathematics Institut includes 3D grid generation for groundwater modeling (part of the PICS project). Str> Geo>

  • Research at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Applied Mathematics Group includes unstructured, Voronoi and Delaunay mesh development, remapping algorithm research and interface and visualization tool development. Tet> Del>

  • Resaerch at IBM T.J. Watson Research Centre's Visual and Geometric Computing Group includes multiresolution techniques for efficient representation, manipulation and distribution of 3D scenes. Sur> Cg> Mr>

  • The research interests of Xiang-Yang Li include mesh generation, surfaces reconstruction and simplification (Illinois Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science. Tet> Del> Sur> Cg> Mr>

  • Jovan G. Brankov, Illinois Institute of Technology Image Processing Laboratories, works on content-adaptive 3D mesh modeling for representation of voumetric images. Oct> Cme>

  • Chester J. Weiss, Texas A&M University, works on 3D mesh generation for borehole applications. Tet> Geo>

  • Qiang Du, Penn State University Department of Mathematics, has a project on centroidal Voronoi tesselations. Del>

  • Research at UC Davis visualization and graphics research group includes voronoi hierarchies and multiresolution. Del> Sur> Cg> Mr>

  • Mesh generation is part of the Virtual Surgery Project at Penn State University. Tet> Cme>

  • Vasiliki Chatzi's research is on computational geometry and mesh generation, in particular on integer coordinate crystalline meshes for 2D and 3D problems (Center for Geometric Computing). Tet> The>

  • The Taubin group at Brown University, does research on surface meshes. The> Cg>

  • Gary dela Pena, University of Rhode Island department of mathematics, does research on moving grids. Str>

  • Igor Guskov is assistang professor at University of Michigan Interactive Media Group. His research is on computer graphics, meshes and digital geometry processing. Cg>

  • Dan Keller, University of Wisconsin at Madison, develops the Mesh Maker Pro mesher for the creation of 3d surface models. Sur> Cg>

  • Weizhang Huang, Department of Mathematics, is interested in mesh generation and numerical analysis (moving mesh methods).

  • Mesh generation is part of the Exact Geometric Computation Project (New York University). The>

  • Debra Laefer, NCSU department of civil engineering, has a project on automating fem mesh generation for existing load bearing masonry structures.

  • The SOU department of computer science participates in a project on discrete global grids.

  • A group at the at Naval Oceanographic Office MSRC is investigating grid generation technologies. Str> Tet> CFD>

  • Research at University of Cincinatti ICMAS lab includes automated FEA/CFD hexahedral mesh generation using an integrated neural network / rule-based method. Hex> AI>

  • Mesh generation is part of the SciDAC DoE national project.

  • Andrei A. Smirnov (West Virginia University) works on tool assisted meshing for the simulation of biomedical flows. Tet> CFD> Cme>

  • James T. Hoffmann, Berkeley Mathematical Scienes Research Institute, works on meshing algorithms for minimal surfaces Sur>

  • Charles Denham and Fengyan Shi, University of Delaware Center for Applied Coastal Research, work on curvilinear grid generation. Str> Ce>

  • Betul Atalay, PhD student at University of Maryland, works on hierarchical meshes for efficient ray tracing. Mr> Cg>

  • Carlos Carbonera has found solutions for the pyramid open problem arising in hexahedral mesh generation. Hex> The>

  • Research at Idaho National Lab includes triangular mesh generation.
  • Venezuela:

  • Juan José Rodríguez, department of fluid mechanics, Universidad Central de Venezuela, is interested in computational spatial information systems to create, manipulate and visualize three-dimensional spaces: grid generation and visualization.

  • Gilberto Gonzalez is a professor at Universidad de los Andes. His research project is on grid generation.

  • Joel Guerrero, University of Zulia, is working in the area of mesh generation and adaptive mesh generation, for use in the area of supersonic and hypersonic flows.

  • Back to the mesh generation homepage.

    Robert Schneiders