Robert Schneiders
Robert Schneiders

I was research assistant with
W. Oberschelp at the
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik, insbesondere Informatik.
My interests are in mesh generation, finite element methods, cfd,
simulation of
metal forming processes and multiscale techniques. I specialize
on the generation of hexahedral
element meshes, and I wrote my PhD thesis on this topic.
I also do some consulting in the mesh generation field.
Listed below are examples of the research stuff I am currently working on.
Together with
Wolfgang Dahmen
I participate in the
SFB 1580 "Strömungsbeeinflussung und
Strömungs-Struktur-Wechselwirkung an Tragflügeln",
an interdisciplinary research project on CFD where we
will do the grid generation job. We are looking for a
Ph.D. student who wants to work with us, so if you are
interested, please let me know (click here
for a job description). Besides that we do some
work on wavelets, a field where Wolfgang Dahmen is a
well-known expert.
I maintain a WWW-page with general
information on mesh generation
(people, books, conferences etc.).
Another interesting web site is the
Meshing Research Corner,
a comprehensive database with literature on mesh generation, maintained by
Steve Owen.
Together with
Eberhard Baensch
Jürgen Bey
I organize a summerschool on
data structures and grid generation (Harburger Sommerschulen on numerical software).
I am also involved in a joint project with the
LIWW (institute for hydrology)
on numerical simulation of free surface flow
where Reinhard Kowalski
works on numerical methods and
Irmgard Dittrich does the mesh generation job.
I am associated member of the interdisciplinary Postgraduate College
Informatics and Technology.
I am a member of SIAM and a reader of
IEEE Computational Science & Engineering.
Some publications:
Robert Schneiders, Jürgen Debye (1994):
Refinement Algorithms for Unstructured Quadrilateral
or Brick Element Meshes.
IMA Workshop on Modeling, Mesh Generation and Adaptive
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations.
Robert Schneiders:
Automatic generation of hexahedral element meshes.
of the
4th Annual International Meshing Roundtable,
October 16-17, 1995
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Robert Schneiders:
A grid-based algorithm for the generation of hexahedral element meshes. Engineering with Computers (1996).
R. Schneiders, R. Schindler and F. Weiler:
Octree-based Generation of Hexahedral
Element Meshes.
5th International Meshing
Roundtable, Pittsburgh, USA (1996)
R. Schneiders:
Refining Quadrilateral and Hexahedral
Element Meshes.
Eds. B.K. Soni, J.F. Thompson, J. Haeuser and P. Eiseman,
ISBN 0-9651627-0-2, pp. 679-689 (1996)
Ko-Foa Tchon,
Charles Hirsch and Robert Schneiders:
Octree-Based Hexahedral Mesh Generation for Viscous Flow Simulations.
13th AIAA
Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference,
Snowmass, CO (1997)
Robert Schneiders: Algorithmen zur Generierung von
Vierecks- und Hexaedernetzen. Proceedings der
Sommerschule über Gittergenerierung und
Datenstrukturen, 8.-12.9.97, TU Hamburg-Harburg.
Other research groups working on the generation of
hexahedral element meshes:
The colourful world of scientific computing:
Robert Schneiders