APPLICATA E INDUSTRIALE

                           IV CONGRESSO NAZIONALE
            Giardini Naxos - Ramada Hotel - 1-2-3-4-5 giugno 1998

                                 First call

             CALL  for PAPERS for the Special Session SIMAI-ISGG

            " Numerical Grid Generation and Industrial Applications"

* Scientific Organizer: Dr. Rosa Maria Spitaleri

Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo-CNR  tel: 39(6) 88470254
Viale del Policlinico 137,00161               fax: 39(6) 4404306
Rome,Italy                             =

* Invited Speakers:

     Prof.Jochem Hauser    CLE-Center of Logistic and Expert
                           System,Salzgitter-Bad, Germany

     Prof Bharat Soni       Aerospace Engineering, 
                            NSF Engineering Research Center
                            Mississippi State University
                            Mississippi State,MS 39762

The session on Numerical Grid Generation would like to promote exchange
among experts in grid generation, professionals in industrial 
applications and researchers in all application fields using 
computational simulation as an investigation tool.

Papers are solicited on all aspects of grid generation: structured,
unstructured, hybrid grids, surface generation, moving and adaptive
techniques, parallel computation. We expecially welcome papers on
industrial applications, but more generally we encourage papers  
concerned with grid generation theory , methodologies, algorithms 
and tools. Applications are considered to complex problems coming from 
all the areas which are or are going to become users of computational 
field simulation techniques.

The session is jointly sponsored by the Societa' Italiana per la 
Matematica Applicata e Industriale (SIMAI) and the International Society 
of Grid Generation (ISGG)

Deadline : february 15,1998: abstract submission

Format : Abstracts, up to 4 pages, should be written in LATEX (better) o
PLAIN TEX, ed sent to the following e-mail address:


The abstract should be written in English. It should contain the paper's
title, the authors' names and affiliations, the contact person with
complete address, phone, fax and email. Acceptance letter  will be mailed 
by March 15, 1998.

Acceptance  of the abstract implies committment to register at the
conference and to present the paper (presentation of about 25 minutes 
each, which includes 5 minutes for discussions).

The abstract book will be distributed alog with the Congress Program at 
the registration desk.

Scientists intrested in this special session should confirm their
partecipation as soon as they can to the above e-mail address.

Robert Schneiders