CALL for PAPERS for the Special Session " Numerical Grid Generation Technologies for Advanced Simulations" ----------------------------- * Scientific Organizer: Dr. Rosa Maria Spitaleri Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo-CNR tel: 39(6) 88470254 Viale del Policlinico 137,00161 fax: 39(6) 4404306 Rome,Italy * Keynote Speaker: Dr. Bharat Soni Professor,Aerospace Engineering Thrust Leader,Grid Generation Phone:(601)325-2647/8278/3623 NSF Engineering Research Center Fax :(601)325-7692 Mississippi State University Email : P.O.Box 6176, Mississippi State,MS 39762
This special session will provide a forum for exchanging research ideas involving theoretical and applied developments in numerical grid generation for modelling complex domains pertinent to simulation problems. Papers are solicited on all aspects of grid generation .In particular,the papers concerned with the structured, unstructured, hybrid grids, surface generation, moving and adaptive techniques, parallel computation: theory, methodologies, algorithm and tool realizations, case studies, and applications are welcomed. Presentations representing real world applications, for instance in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics, which evaluates the effectiveness of new methodologies or computational approaches with respect to the traditional well proven techniques are encouraged.
Authors are invited to send an abstract (from one to three pages) to Dr. Rosa Maria Spitaleri (BY EMAIL ONLY) by Dicember 5, 1996 (hard deadline). It should contain the paper's title, the authors' names and affiliations, the contact person with complete address, phone, fax and email. MacWord or TEX or e-mail (neither compressed nor encoded) files are accepted. Preliminary acceptance letter will be mailed by Dicember 20, 1996. Preliminary acceptance of the abstract implies committment to send the final version of an extended abstract, to register at the conference and to present the paper (presentation of about 25 minutes each, which includes 5 minutes for discussions). All accepted abstracts will appear on the Proceedings of the Conference in camera-ready form; authors will receive typing instructions by February 1997 ; the final camera-ready version (no more then 6-page long) of the paper is due to Dr. Spitaleri by April 15, 1997 (hard deadline). Papers will be selected for appearance as regular journal articles in one of the IMACS journals (published by North Holland/Elsevier and World Scientific Publishing Co.).