Positions at Vrije Universiteit of Brussels

The Vrije Universiteit of Brussels (Brussels, Belgium) has currently 2 openings for research positions at the Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Fluid Mechanics (profs. Hirsch, Lacor).

The dept. is involved in different European and industrial projects related to CFD applications for aerospace, turbomachinery, environmental flows,...

To this end, advanced, in-house developed software is used : a) IGG grid generator, written in C++ b) EURANUS : 3D multiblock/multigrid Reynolds Averaged N-S solver written in Fortran c) CFView postprocessor written in C++.

The solver EURANUS was developed for the European Space Agency and can handle flows from low subsonic (using artificial compressibility) up to the hypersonic regime (including thermochemical nonequilibrium flows). It contains both central and upwind type schemes.

About 10 research engineers, half of which at Post Doc level, are working at the dept. on CFD.

The software IGG, EURANUS and CFView is commercialized by NUMECA, a VUB spin-off company.

Short description of the projects :

1. Development of a non-structured approach in EURANUS

This industrial project, in co-operation with NUMECA, aims at introducing an adaptive, non-structured option in EURANUS. The approach will also be put into a multigrid framework.

Prerequisites   : Post Doc in the field of CFD
Start           : 1/1/96
Duration        : 2 years with possible continuation in other projects of
                  the dept. or within the NUMECA Company

2. Non-structured mesh generation

Within the same industrial project and also within a new European project, actions are initiated in connection with unstructured mesh generation systems, CAD connections, parallelisation and automatisation in grid generation.

Prerequisites   : Master in Computer Science or Engineering
                  Preferably experience with grid generation and C++
Start           : 1/1/96
Duration        : 2 years with possible continuation in other projects of
                  the dept. or within the NUMECA Company

If interested send your resume to :

Prof. Charles Hirsch or Prof. Chris Lacor
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Dept. Fluid Mechanics
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels

or via email :  hirsch@stro10.vub.ac.be
or fax       : 32-2-629.28.80

Robert Schneiders, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik, insbesondere Informatik January 2nd, 1996